Test Quiz Are you involved in ministry leadership?* Yes No If you are not involved in ministry leadership, please exit this assessment and take the personal assessment. What is your ministries' closest connection? (demonination)* Non-demonational Charismatic Catholic Mainstream Protestant Denomination Other Protestant What is the age of your ministry?* New - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10 - 20 years 20 - 30 years over 30 years What is your average weekend ministries attendance?* under 50 50 - 150 150 - 500 500 - 1000 over 1000 What is your cultural mix?* One race (within a community of primary one race) Mix is 50% of two races One race (within a community of mixed races) Made up of more than 3 different cultures International makeup of cultures What is the approximate growth (in attendance) of the ministry over the past 5 years?* 1-5% growth Negative or no growth 5-10% growth 10-15% growth Over 15% How would you describe the majority of the ministries' message?* Mostly theological teaching Mostly social justice issues Life application (example - marriage and family instruction) Mostly teaching of Jesus and the Gospel Mostly teachings about the overcoming life What type of ministry leadership government?* One persons make most of the decisions Elected positions Elder board The congregation decides most decisions A higher headquarters makes the decisions What percent of new baptisms does the ministry experience in a year? (Example if you have 200 people in weekend attendance and you baptize 50 people a year you baptize 25%)* We don't baptize 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% Over 20% Approximately what percent of conversions does the ministry see due to direct services? (example if you have 100 in attendance and 10 people a year come to Christ, the result would be 10%)* None 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% Over 20% What percent of the people are in some type of ministry or small groups? (For example if the church weekend attendance is 500 and 40 people are in small groups the answer would be 8%)* 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% Over 20% We don't have small groups How many weekend services do you have at the main location?* 1 2 3 4 More than 4 What are the length of your services?* Less than 1 hour 1 hour Between 1 - 1.5 hours Between 1.5 - 2 hours Over 2 hours How many welcome (guests) centers do you have open during the weekend services?* None 1 2 or more How would you describe the main speaker?*In the Pulpit Super star Guide that points the people to God Weak in theology We have more than one good speaker Great pastor and communicator What type of worship music is used?*Worship Style Only hymns Songs without insturments Mixture of different styles Contemporary Other Do you have guest every week at the main service?*Guests Yes No Do you think that you should experience more guests than you are?*Guests Yes No What percent of the congregation volunteer? (Example if you have 250 people in attendance and 50 people volunteer the answer would be 20% - 50/250=.20)*Volunteers Less than 1% 1 - 10% 10 - 20% Over 20% Do you have some form of membership class?* Yes No Does the ministry have some form of growth track?* Yes No Do the people in the congregation seem happy?* Yes No How would you rate staff morale?* Engaged and helpful Just doing their job Absent Very business-like Infighting Would you say that the people in the congregation keep "clean relationship"? (example - when they get hurt do they go to the person and get it right?)* Yes, defiantly Most of the time Sometimes Not usually Almost never How would you describe the growth of the ministry?* Growing but needs help Not growing at all Growing too fast Growing steadily Slow growth Does the leadership have a succession plan?* Yes No Not sure Are you in need of more meeting space?* Yes No How clean and maintained is your main facility?* Very clean and well cared for Dirty and run down Clean but needs up-fitted Fair How accountable is your accounting department?* Very well run Excellent (outside yearly external audit preformed) Needs some help but working Help How would you describe the outside of your facility?* Old and out-of-touch Traditional looking and well kept Unusual (hard to tell it's a ministry) Exciting and inviting Ok On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best) how would describe the children's ministry? (including nursery)* 1 2 3 4 5 Does the ministry have adequate parking? (Scale of 1-5, 5 being great)* 1 2 3 4 5 On a scale of 1-5, (5 being a lot) how much does the ministry utilize electronics (video, computer, and cameras etc.)* 1 2 3 4 5 Who is more involved in the ministry?* Mostly women Mostly men Men and women equally Both men and women but more women Both men and women but more men As a leader, are you satisifed with the direction of the ministry? Scale of 1 to 5 (5 being very satisfied)* 1 2 3 4 5 How long are the sermons* 30 min or less 30-45 min. What is the "flavor/tone" of the weekend message?* Angry Reassuring Encouraging / grace filled Shame filled How strict is the dress code of the congregation?* Must dress formal No dress code Must dress modestly The ministry is located...* In the country In the city on a main road On a major highway In a neighborhood In the city off a main road Ministry Name Name First Last Email Phone 43924